Our School Day

We offer a selection of part time sessions for those children entitled to 15 hours funding:

5 Morning sessions: 8.40 a.m. to 11.40 a.m.

5 Afternoon sessions: 12.20 p.m. to 3.20 p.m.

We also offer full time sessions for those children entitled to 30 hours funding: Monday - Friday 8:40 a.m.-2:40 p.m (parents need to provide their child with a healthy packed lunch for children to eat in nursery).

Wrap around care is available for children that finish at 2:40 to extend their day until 3:20 at a cost of £4 per session.


Arrival at School

Children should always be handed personally to a teacher - Entrance to school is around the side of the building, where children can enter directly into their classrooms, where staff are waiting to welcome them. There is always a member of classroom staff on the door for parents to chat to or pass on any messages. Alternatively, staff are always happy to arrange an appointment at a suitable time to discuss any issues or concerns. 

Please ensure that your child arrives at nursery on time. Arriving late can be unsettling for children and may be disruptive to the class routines. Our Key Worker group times take place at the start of the session, so it is important for your child to be on time so that they don't miss out on this valuable part of their day. 

Departure from School

Please collect your child promptly. Young children get worried if they are left after all the children have gone home. We do understand that occasionally parents may be running late and ask that if this ever happens, parents phone school to let us know, so that we can reassure your child that you are on your way.

For safety reasons, only authorised adults will be allowed to collect a child from school and these adults must be specified beforehand.  If there is an unexpected change of person collecting, please inform the school by telephone as soon as possible, as staff will not let your child go with an un-authorised adult without confirmation. Parents are also asked to nominate a "password" when their child starts school that needs to be given to staff at collection time by anyone new that is collecting, as an extra security measure.

Children will participate in a range of child led activities and will have free flow access to both our indoor and outdoor learning areas. Please make sure children are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather and please be aware that children may get messy in our different areas of learning as they explore and participate in a wide range of opportunities.


Reporting Child Absence (including appointments and Holidays)

If your child is unwell or unable to attend Nursery for any reason, please make sure that you telephone school on 0121 360 2199 or email enquiry@perrybn.bham.sch.uk to let us know the reason your child is absent. We need to record all absences on our registers as part of our procedures.

Please also inform us of any planned absences such as medical appointments or holidays taken during term time. There are holiday forms available from the office that you will need to complete so that we can update our records of attendance.